Tag Archives: how is your heart

Christmas in San Francisco

I focused on busking in the city this holiday season. I celebrated Christmas in my own small way, but this holiday season was about work. The kinks are still not entirely smoothed out in the new act, but I feel like I’m getting somewhere, and I’m still paying the rent.

Strangely enough, there was very little crime in the city. It’s as if all the villains went home to the Midwest for the holidays. That was okay with me — I put the time I usually use for fighting crime into working out.

I like my new workout plan a lot. I lift weights and walk three days a  week, I walk-jog three days a week and take one day a week off.

I’m also working on promoting Placenta of Love. I’m looking forward to the fun projects I have surrounding that. I’m also taking a class in Promoting Your Small Business at a local community college. It’s a distance learning class, so I can do it anytime, anywhere, so it works around my busking, crime-fighting lifestyle. Flexibility is important when you make your living fighting crime, busking and writing.

I have this dream…

I love fighting crime and busking, but I would love to be able to spend more time at home writing. I know thousands, if not millions, of people have this same dream. But I figure I can have it, too. I don’t believe in starvation economies. I believe in economies of abundance. If we manage our lifestyles and are smart and aren’t afraid of working hard, why can’t we all make our dreams come true?

I read this beautiful poem this morning. We all have to walk through the fire. This refining fire is partially what makes life worth it.